Take it outside!

It occurred to me a bit ago that the fight against irresponsible congresscritters (and Felipe Calderon’s lapdog, “Fifi” Bush) in their attempt to ram amnesty for 12-20 million criminals down our throats that most of what I see/”hear” is online chatter. All well and good, but how to reach folks that aren’t blog readers or who get their news, etc., almost exclusively from Mass Media Podpeople?

Take it outside. Make flyers, “business” cards, etc., reproducing or promoting online info that can help less plugged in folks get plugged in.

Here’s one such small (very small) offering, though I’m sure readers here can improve on it and come up with many more ideas:

Do Something Positive
About amnesty and illegal aliens



The typeface, spacing and wording could be changed for your own touches, of course, but the info above all fit nicely onto “business” cards I just printed out. What to do with ’em? Why, hand ’em out to everyone I see, of course! And if some of them turn out to be illegal aliens chattering away in Spanish, well, then, I suppose they can get someone to translate it for ’em.


Send me your suggestions for handouts via email or make suggestions in comments.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, 4 Time Dad?, The Random Yak, DeMediacratic Nation, Adam’s Blog, Maggie’s Notebook, The Pet Haven Blog, Shadowscope, MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Leaning Straight Up, , Rightlinx, Right Celebrity, Allie Is Wired, The Uncooperative Blogger, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

3 Replies to “Take it outside!”

  1. I’m mostly optimistic but still vigilant with communication to the Congresscritters. Locally, for me, one illegal immigration related ordinance is coming up for a vote this week, ala Hazelton, PA and another at the county level. Many are gathering to fight illegal immigration.
    But the fight won’t be over for some time. Not until we reverse the condition and secure the borders.

  2. Stanford,

    I cannot yet echo your optimism, but I remain hopeful that utter capitulation to (mostly) Mexican manipulation of American policy can be short-stopped for a while.

    See http://www.city-journal.org/html/15_4_mexico.html for more about deliberate, continual manipulation of American enforcement of its borders by the Mexican government.

    What is needed:

    1.) Complete refusal of ALL public assistance of any kind to illegals (on the order of Mexico’s own policies toward illegals within its borders). No school, welfare, or any other public services. Zip, zero, zilch, nada. If they want any of those things, they can get them from their own consulates, or go home.

    2.) Put employers of illegals on chain gangs at hard labor and confiscate their businesses (and homes and other properties) to be sold at auction.

    3.) Build the damned fence and guard it with active duty military. After all, Mexico protects its southern border with its fully-armed active duty military.

    4.) Do as Eisenhower did when faced with a few millions of illegals–again, mostly from Mexico: clean up the political and law enforcement corruption and then actively round up illegals and ship them out by the thousands at a time, in trainloads and shiploads, deep into Mexico’s interior. No pleasant train or shipboard traveling either. Cattle cars and pack the holds.

    5.) Tell Mexico to stuff it or expect invasion and the reduction of their industrial base to even more laughable levels than now exist. To Mexico’s likely response: Reduce the government and its armed forces to a shambles, withdraw behind a fully-armed border and thumb our noses at them. Throw their consulates out on their asses and refuse all diplomatic relations until Mexico gets its own house in order. (Why, oh why do millions of Mexicans want to flee their own country for ours… yet still call themselves “Mexican”? Something sick going on there.)

    Those things would make a good start.

  3. hey David..fished u outta spammy filter in between the zo-loft..lol
    thanks for stoppin by..business cards..not a bad idea but here
    in NYC..you’d get slammed if u handed one out to anyone..sheesh! 🙂

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