ACLU Fights to Spread TB and other insanities…

Public health be damned, full speed ahead with whatever epidemic can take down America!

Seems to be the ACLU’s new battle cry in seeking to have a man infected with highly contagious, “extreme multi-drug-resistant TB” released from an isolation ward after he repeatedly refused to take medications to treat the deadly disease.

The ACLU says he’s been convicted of no crime and so should be allowed to run free to spread the disease. Well, that’s what their argument amounts to, since he resisted taking treatment for it before.

Next, expect the ACLU to argue for some poor schmoe who “was just running around firing his gun in the air while screaming about ‘Blue flame monstors invading from Uranus!’ He didn’t hurt anyone and isn’t convicted of hurting anyone. Why should he be locked away?”

I can recall testifying at an involuntary committal hearing about the “risky” (and dangerous to others) behavior of a woman with diagnosed TB. The judge didn’t even have to think about it. In fact, knowing it was a committal hearing in chambers for someone with TB, the judge was wearing a mask.

Smart judge.

Probably had the place thoroughly gassed before using it again, too.

Any chance that someone, somewhere can teach a verse or two of “If I Only Had a Brain” to the ACLU?

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