Inquiring Minds, and all that…

Here’s a quick drive-by question:

Congress (et al) compels me to ask: Do most politicians *spit* become crooks because they are simply weak and the temptations of office are too great for them, or is it that most politicians *spit* are already crooked and seek public office as a way of legitimizing their desire to perform criminal acts?

Inquiring minds want to know…

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, DeMediacratic Nation, Pirate’s Cove, Webloggin, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Dumb Ox Daily News, High Desert Wanderer, Right Voices, Pursuing Holiness, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “Inquiring Minds, and all that…”

  1. Many (although not all) politicians start out with good intentions and then become corrupted by a system that makes it so easy, and profitable, to be corrupt.

  2. stageleft: I knew two like that (one a U.S. Senator and the other a Congressman). They eventually came to their senses and got out of politics, eschewed lobbying or even any sort of political action (for the most part: the Congressman became a minister in his church and that always entails some politics *sigh*).

    I’ve always wanted to ask them what the hell happened to them while they were in office, since, “back in the day” they had always seemed so decent in my personal contacts with them, espoused solid principles, etc. But when they gained high office… *sigh*

    OTOH, as mostly cajun hints, most seem to be corrupt before they ever leave positions of local political power. Perhaps that may be because they were corrupt to begin with…

  3. David,

    Me thinks the latter is most true. If not “real” crooks yet, they certainly have larceny in their hearts. Remember a vast majority of legislators at the various legislative levels are lawyers *spit*.

    About 90% of lawyers would have to get an 8′ step ladder, climb to the top, and really streach their arms high overhead to even barely touch the bottom of the whale sh*t on the ocean floor.

    Of course at the state level, many are insurance agents — same morals as lawyers!

    To: MC

    I remember in the late ’80s being at Lake Front (?) Arpt. in NO. Was talking with FBO while awaiting ground transport. Don’t recall the politician’s name, nor the conviction offense, but it was one “in the news” at the time.

    Asked the FBO about it to get a local perspective. He said: “He was convicted and sent to jail ’cause he wasn’t corrupt enough. If they ain’t real corrupt here, they don’t get no respect.” 🙂

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