Santa Fe, N.M. Desires Hiring Mexican Nationals for Police? More Than Meets the Eye

At first glance, a headline like the following might make some folks’ blood boil:

Santa Fe Police Department looking into hiring Mexican nationals

But reading further down in the story from the Las Cruces Sun-News, I see something that would have me campaigning for the move:

“Every day, we get approached by young men and women from Mexico who are in the country legally but are not naturalized,” [Sgt. Gillian] Alessio said.

“There is a huge pool of people who are dedicated, hardworking and trying to become citizens of this country. They would like nothing better than to devote their time to protecting the communities that they live in… “

Folks, if they are in the country legally and seeking to become natualized citizens, I’d be all for it… until and unless “legally” meant “entered illegally, committed identity theft and other crimes to stay and steal American jobs but have been ‘legalized’ by an amnesty deal cooked up by the crooks in Washington D.C.”

I will never consider ANYONE “legalized” with an amnesty deal cooked up by crooks in the White House and Congress to be legitimate. Never.

No, let me clarify that: never.

But people who have entered this country by getting in line and doing it right, who then begin serious attempts to become natualized citizens? Those people should be considered for jobs in community service, such as law enforcement, just as they are allowed to enlist in the military.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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