Yet Another Posole Recipe

I guess this is the third posole-type variation I’ve posted over the past coupla years. See how it sits with you.


~8oz of Ancho chile sauce, or red enchilada sauce made with Anaheim peppers, instead.
~1lb. pork loin, in about 1″ cubes
4-6 cups canned white hominy, drained
1 head of cabbage, chopped or shredded (chopped is better, IMO, but it’s your supper :-))
a couple of teaspoons of cayenne pepper (or do without and set a bottle of cayenne-based hot sauce by the places of folks who like it)
3-4 lemons or limes, juiced
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2-4 medium tomatoes, diced (use your favorite “sauce” tomatoes)
water to suit your pot
salt to taste (I prefer juuuust a little on the pork as it is browning)


Brown the pork with the onion and garlic.
Add all the other ingredients except the hominy and cover with water. Simmer for about 30 minutes.
Add the hominy and water as needed and simmer another 30 minutes or more.


One Reply to “Yet Another Posole Recipe”

  1. Dag-Nabbit, Davido: Here I been out wandering in “never-never” land for several days.

    When I come back & check-in — YOU offer another version of “cabbage stew.” 🙂

    Cartoon from today’s (05-13-07) “Parade” magazine (Sunday insert for some “bird cage liners”) :

    “Mama” in kitchen teaching young daughter how to prepare receipes: Mixing bowl & spatula “in hand.”

    Caption: “Remember: Two wrongs make a ‘casserole’.”

    So . . . David, how many “new” casseroles have you created this week?

    In one sense, LOL — in another, it’s a semi-serious question. (Perhaps I been watchin’ too much Emeril, lately.)

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