
Anyone want to p-sych this one?

For some reason, one motif from Gian Carlo Menotti’s The Consul keeps running through my head this a.m.

“Help me, Secretary, help me!”

Haven’t heard that opera for more than 30 years, and this line jumps out at me this a.m. It’s not even a very appealing musical motif, just strangely compelling.

Strange thing, the my mind. (*heh*)

Trackbak posted to The Trouble with Angels’ Wednesday Weekly Trackback Alliance Fest (say THAT five times quickly!).

One Reply to “Off-the-Wall”

  1. It is not always a good thing to question how our minds work. I’m sure, within the next month or so you’ll know why it popped forward…unfortunately, by that time, we forget why we cared. See, sometimes its best to just say…how interseting I thought of that and let it be 🙂

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