I’m away from my computers, so I’ll add to this later. Feel free to come back for a special addition *heh*
Funny thing, since I upgraded to the latest-greatest WordPress, my SPAM queue has had dropped by a factor of at least 100, from 1,000s of SPAMs in the queue per day to tens.
Or maybe it’s just that SPAMmers have decided to give me a break.
*ROFLKASTMAFO* Yeh, that’ll happen.
(Funnier still, my email inbox has dropped in the last couple of days from several hundreds/day to well under 100–I don’t think even 50. Hmmm… I need to change my deoderant, perhaps?)
UPDATE: Here’s the specil treat add-on:
Don’t feel lonely, folks are probably holding back and will bombard you with comments and email in a day or so. You’ll be covered with love and affection!
Debbie, if the 1,000s of SPAM a day are evidence of “love and affection” then I’ve had enough love n affection to last me a while.
yep, davido, i think it’s the deodorant thing.
actually you may have been rubbing up against too many MO mules. OR, did you get some mules and hinnies mixed up. a hinny tends to have a greater stench. (if this makes any sense, let me know.)
Now, Hugh, hinnies don’t really smell worse by nature. It’s just that in your neck o’ the woods, the rednecks tend to wash, wax n polish their mules…