…and other news and commentary from outside the normal Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind screeds…
James Taranto points to the subtext of the recent deliberate falsification of “quotes” by Rudy Giulani:
The Giuliani kerfuffle is an especially lovely example of the self-defeating nature of this Democratic tactic, if one can call it that. Giuliani’s criticism of Democrats was that their approach to terrorism is to go “on defense,” and the Democrats responded by getting all defensive. Kind of proves his point, doesn’t it?
Meanwhile, more from the Hypocritical Elite: Dems Fly in the Face of Integrity. Looks like The Algore Principle is alive and well in the party of Greenish tint. Oh, and as to Algore’s energy-guzzling home? Mark Steyn says it well:
Two hundred twenty-one thousand kilowatt-hours? What’s he doing in there? Clamping Tipper to the electrodes and zapping her across the rec room every night? No, no, don’t worry. Al’s massive energy consumption is due entirely to his concern about the way we’re depleting the Earth’s resources. When I say “we,” I don’t mean Al, of course. I mean you — yes, you, Earl Schlub, in the basement apartment at 29 Elm St. You’re irresponsibly depleting the Earth’s resources by using that electric washer when you could be down by the river with the native women beating your loin cloth dry on the rock while singing traditional village work chants all morning long.
Exactly. The rules don’t apply to those who feel they are the priviledged elite. I think someone else called these kindsa folk, “…like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness…” (Matthew 23:27, for those who are asking :-))
“My, oh, my that’s a good-looking mausoleum you’re wearing, Mr. Hypocrite!”
And any idiot can see that “democracy” is no solution to problems in third world hellholes that have no cultural basis for understanding basic precepts it depends upon, like personal responsibility, individual liberties, and many others. Oops. Sounds like I’m describing a society full of infantile 20-something adolescents and 35-50-year-old “grups“… Guess we’d better stop telling ourselves how great democracy without responsibility is and hope for a return to the republic the Founders and Framers devised. At least with that model, even the society we’re devolving to now might survive a while…
PROOF that if you throw enough money at “public education” (AKA “prisons for kids”) you can too solve its problems! Riiiiight… and I’ve got some great ocean front property in New Mexico I think you’d really like, too.
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Are you going to keep this color scheme for a while? I was thinking of using it for next week’s colors of my blogroll.
I’ve pretty much decided to keep this color scheme until I have time to mess with the yellow a bit. So, sure, it’ll be here until my schedule allows a little more free time to play with the skins file. (Who knows how long that’ll be? Surely not I. :-))
And any idiot can see that “democracy” is no solution to problems in third world hellholes that have no cultural basis for understanding basic precepts it depends upon, like personal responsibility, individual liberties, and many others…PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY???…yikes!…dont u know theyre allergic to that concept in all its forms!