I’m Officially Stumped

[NOTE: twc is devolving to limited functionality and probably extreme wonkiness, perhaps all the way to complete DOA today as I attempt to TS the issue outlined below… as I have time.]

At a loss. At sea. Baffled.

If you’re looking for some trenchant commentary on the passing scene, you CLICKed in on the wrong day.

Returning readers know my side columns don’t ordinarily have as much white (OK, yellow) space as they’re showing today. At least it’s better than yesterday, when the entire right column was blank… because the right column was superimposed over the left column.

And I’m stumped. I’ve compared my .css and .php files now in place to known good archives, line by line, and they’re the same, as far as I can determine.

I removed the post immediately previous to this one, since the problem manifested immediately after posting it*, and that seemed to fix things… until I let the site fully reload and… Capn Bob’s animated graphic is missing on the left (it’s there in the leftcolumn.php) and darned near all of my right column is just… not loading.

So, what have I missed, folks?

Helpful answers get a cookie. No, sorry: not one you can eat. I’ll send you a virtual cookie.


Update: As you can see, it’s getting there, slowly. Patience. Still have to input all the blogrolls and other sidebar info, a bit at a time between other (mostly ofline, so-called “RW” *heh*) chores. Patience.

Update 2: *sigh* The little foxes are at work. Presenting problem fixed (and may not even have been my problem to begin with–see comment #2), and now I have all the little glitches introduced by upgrading WP and switching themes to stomp out. Eventually. I hope. Probably. Maybe. *heh*

*Yeh, yeh, “post hoc ergo propter hoc“–but even when I found nothing in the post source code to indicate it was the problem and removed it anyway, at least the right column moved back over to the right side… though it’s still not displaying properly. Usually this sort of thing is due to a misplaced “div” tag or some such, but, as I said, I simply cannot find any changes in my template files from known good archive copies, and I find nothing amiss in recent posts (and yes, bad code in posts can screw things up pretty weirdly on the whole front page), so, as I said, I’m stumped… And I’m repetitiously and redundantly repeating myself again. *heh*

2 Replies to “I’m Officially Stumped”

  1. Wow…orange. Brave. I think I like the new look, though. Going to take a little getting used to, though the page seems to load faster now. No idea why or whether that’s my imagination working, but for the record that seems to be the case.

    As far as the coding goes, I’m afraid I’ll have to stick with the usual “no help at all” response because I haven’t a clue about the sidebars. Probably one reason my own blog is so static…I’m afraid to mess something up.

  2. Coupla funny things…

    1.) Just a few mins after I had upgraded to the newest, brightest, shiniest WordPress, I got an e- directing me to someone else’s blog that had had almost exactly the same issue I had this a.m. resulting from a script called from offsite… *sigh* Was nothing I had changed (since I hadn’t changed anything, I’d kinda thought that, but flailed away at the problem anyway).

    2.) Now have other problems caused by the upgrade (like the creepy “inline trackbacks” code that shows on post pages, now *sigh*). I’m a conservative (translate: “lazy”) sort when it comes to making blog template changes. In fact, while I had some issues with crap creep on/in my template before, I was overall very pleased with the three-column Journalized Sand as modified by Diane (now of The Trouble With Angels)–particularly the colors

    Yeh, I’ll eventually get around to changing the orange in the sidebars, at least, to make it easier on my eyes, but this was the closest I could manage quickly, since after swapping out for the WP “latest and greatest” upgrade, the old JS theme just didn’t seem to want to settle in…


    Oh. Well. A day “lost” to fiddling with my template. ‘S’way it goes some days. Eaten by locusts, indeed.

    I think I’ll let it slide for a while–the things like the inline TB code, etc., and just go get some work done. *shock!*


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