Cosmic Justice


I wrote a brief comment about this earlier, but it deserves expansion, because the root cause of Jon Corzine’s injuries is also the root cause of anarcho-tyranny in the U.S.–elite abuse of power and position.

Karma can be a bitch.

Oh, you probably know what I’m talking about: NJ Governor Jon Corzine’s little boo-boo on the Garden State Parkway. No, I’m not gloating that a politician *spit* was seriously injured. But I am pointing out that what happened to Corzine was cosmic justice. After all, why was his state trooper-driven vehicle traveling 91mph in traffic on the Garden State Parkway? Was there some legitimate emergency that required the attention of state troopers and he was just along for the ride as a passenger? Nope. Was there a genuine State emergency requiring Governor Corzine’s hurried transport? Not at all. He was on his way to a meeting with… Don Imus and the Rutgers women’s basketball players. Emergency? Hardly. And how about the excuse that troopers can exceed the speed and use their lights when transporting the governor “for security reasons”? Wasn’t very secure, was it, now?

Yeh, that “reason” is just more B.S. excusing politicians’ *spit* abuse of power. And as they abuse their power and position in everyday, commonplace ways–butting to the heads of lines, shoving ordinary people out of the way on the Garden State Parkway (among the many other places), etc., they continually turn the heat up on the frog in the kettle, teaching citizens about the priviledge of position that political power brings and training those citizens to submit as subjects to their power.

Little by little we are being turned into subjects. Rights? Those can be turned into licenses, priviledges controlled and licensed by politicians *spit* and bureaucrats *spit-spit*. Just see how much more clamoring for restrictions on gun ownership by citizens we’ll see in the coming days and weeks as a result of the incident at Virginia Tech, something that could have been cut way short had any of those UNarmed putative citizens been armed…

UPDATE: Over at Chaos Manor Mail, Peter N. Glaskowsky points out that another man intent on mass murder five years ago in a different Virginia school of higher education was not so “successful, because that school did not have a rule preventing its adult students being armed.

Put that in your “disarm law-abiding Americans” pipe and smoke it, “Brady Bunch” liberals.

Respect? Not due citizens by politicians *spit* unless thay have bigmouthed racist/sexist “spokesPEOPLE” to harrangue for them and Mass Media Podpeople to take up their cause. Go ahead, write or call your congresscritters. See just how much genuine respect you get. All you’ll get–at best–are words, sound and fury signifying nothing. Don’t believe me? Just look at the polls on border control/immigration. 70%-80% of folks do NOT appreciate the way politicians *spit* are handling the situation, want stricter controls and better border security, and even deportation of illegal aliens has a large majority support. But since almost zero of that support is played up by the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind, the majority of politicians are firmly behind surrendering the U.S. to the invading horde.


So, whenever cosmic justice gives even one abusive politician *spit* a taste of his just eternal reward in hell, we ought to bow our heads in thanks. I do not rejoice that Jon Corzine was so seriously injured. No. But I do hope he at least gets a ticket for not wearing his seat belt.

Now, that would be cosmic justice.*

(*Yeh, I know, I know: NJ law would mandate a ticket for the driver for allowing a passenger to not wear his seat belt, but imagining the state trooper getting a ticket he’s earned is about as difficult a suspension of disbelief as imagining the governor learning a lesson in humility from his overweening behavior, after all, one’s is a Law Enforcement Officer, and so above the law *sigh* and the other is a typical politician *spit* and we all know they only get what they deserve when they die and go to hell… [some few exceptions may apply])

Also posted at The Wide Awakes

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @, The Random Yak, Maggie’s Notebook, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, Helium, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Pet Haven, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, Pet’s Garden Blog, stikNstein… has no mercy, Blue Star Chronicles, Planck’s Constant, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

3 Replies to “Cosmic Justice”


    How about the Irish illegals?

    Here is a Real Media link to an interview that Bill O’Reilly did on Irish Television. In it, the interviewer mentions how the families of illegal Irish Immigrants are upset that these illegals can’t visit home because if they do, they won’t be let back in.

    I wish O’Reilly had stated the obvious to that interviewer. Why should illegal Irish immigrants expect to be able to travel back and forth between Ireland and the United States when by definition they aren’t supposed to be in the United States to begin with?

  2. “How about the Irish illegals?”

    Well, how about them, Ted? How many are there? Right. Few and fewer. While I agree with the principle that ALL illegals should be deported (and as during the Eisenhower administration, deported uncomfortably and in such a way as to make their re-entry difficult) and put firmly in the back of the line for legal entry (no matter where or when that “back of the line is–ALWAYS and FOREVER in teh “back of the line” until there IS no more line to be in back of), ALL other nationalities of illegal aliens, apart from Mexican, comprise perhaps 30% of the illegal alien population.

    And the Mexican government is actively encouraging illegal entry into the U.S. by its citizens and actively aiding them in violating our borders. Is Ireland doing such things? If so, then it, too, should have war declared on it by the U.S… Yes, I do mean by that that the U.S. should recognize de jure that Mexico is waging war on the U.S. and declare war on Mexico, invade, depose its rulers, rape its natural resources and leave, sealing the border behind us.

    Yes, I am that pissed off. And yes, there is adequate legal cause for the U.S. to take exactly those actions, IMO.

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