Live longer? So what?

Nothing important, just… Saw an American Heart Association commercial the other day that said for every hour of vigorous exercise, I could (as in “maybe it’ll happen”) live two hours longer.

So? Looks like a poor bet to me. I’d stil have lost an hour

really listening to some fine music (who can really listen and the nuances of good music while grunting and puffing? Oh, rock or some other contemporary so-so music, sure, but even the BeeGees deserve better than having their stuff grunted and puffed through *heh*)

…to huffing and puffing and grunting and sweating on a hamster wheel (which is all most “vigorous exercise” is *heh*).

Sure, you say, I might have an “extra” hour to do these things as a result of “vigorous exercise”. Might. But I have those hours now, so why waste ’em with time set aside for “vigorous exercise”? Oh, if there’s someplace I want to walk (someplace walking with my Wonder Woman, for example) or some physical work I need to do anyway (yard work–cos I’m a confirmed tightwad) or work on the house, I can view that as exercise and get as much real benefit, perhaps more, since I’d be feeding my soul with something productive instead of playing hamster-on-a-wheel.

No 10K runs for me. Yeh, well, I just don’t care.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Pet’s Garden Blog, Faultline USA, Sujet- Celebrities, Stageleft, Maggie’s Notebook, Walls of the City, basil’s blog, Helium, Shadowscope, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, The Pet Haven, Right Voices, Pursuing Holiness, and , thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

6 Replies to “Live longer? So what?”

  1. What? Huff n puff n grunt n sweat to some disembodied voice talking in my head? Less appealing to me than trying to listen to music while doing alla that. Nah, I’ll mow my lawn, saw fallen limbs (there are more, now *sigh*) or whatever before I’d do that.

    And jog? Sure, “gain” an hour or two for an hour of joint damage? No thanks. As I said, if I have somewhere to go (and feel like it) that I can walk to, sure. Moving is fine by me, just doing it in a hurry? Why? More hamster on a wheel stuff. I’ll leave that to hamsters, thank you.


    Of course, if America’s Third World County had some public tennis courts… kinda fun, that, and worth a lil joint damage. *heh*

  2. I figure who wants to be the oldest person in a nursing home anyway … hehehehe.

    I put this in the Thirteen Thirteeners Carnival this week πŸ™‚

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