Lazy Saturday

twc plans for Saturday…

Sleep in–done πŸ˜‰
Feed The Boys–done
Pick up food order (yeh, semi-bulk “club” buy. Great deal if you can get it)
See Wonder Woman off to her librarian conference
General cleanup (but since it’s raining, the outside gets a pass).
Return last night’s videos (yeh, two rentals, cos was Friday “popcorn night”)*
Maaaaaybe make another “grape medallion” (for a rosette atop a pilaster framing front door–yeh, finally getting around to that lil chore). The first one turned out OK, so why not?–done (yeh, this post has taken close to FOUR HOURS to write, taken a word here, a word there, as things unfold. :-))

Pretty lazy day. No taxes to do, no major chores on my plate (that I can get to–weather is holding some at bay-hey, hey, hey-*heh*)

Blogging today? This is it. NOT gonna spend time and energy on “issues” today. Just. Not.

*about those videos… one was not as bad as I’d feared, the other a “B- movie” (best rating from my Wonder Woman–decent cgi but crappy plot, dialog and character development. Uneven acting–an old pro sleepwalking his lines gave the best performance). The not too crappy movie was “The Holiday”–and still an unconvincing performance by Cameron Diaz (well, she had a far-too-contrived plot to work with, I’ll give her that). The best part of the movie by far, ecept for the last part of the last scene with the two of them, was the interaction between the Kate Winslet character and the Eli Wallach character. The Kate Winslet/Jack Black duo never made any sense at all, at all. Still, Kate Winslet gave it a decent run for the money. All-in-all, not bad value, since one of the movies was a “free rental”–*heh* And the popcorn was freshly popped. Enjoyed the Gummi-Dinos, too.

8 Replies to “Lazy Saturday”

  1. I did my first ever major yardwork as a homeowner. I’ve been getting a former co-worker to come over to mow and rake my lawn and for the first time I was fit enough (about 160 pounds lost in a little more than a year after gastric bypass surgery) to do some myself. I ended up cutting down several juniper bushes and digging up the roots with tools borrowed from my former co-worker who was mowing the yard and raking leaves. I think I overdid it a bit.

  2. Yeh, yardwork is… not exactly my fav. In fact, I’ve been seriously thinking about a groundcloth/pea gravel solution for the front yard, and were it not for the fact that I’ve had trouble with the new “neighbors” *spit* driving over my front lawn, I’d be more likely to actually do that. I suspect that if they saw a nice bed of pea gravel I’d be out raking and repairing the groundcloth as much as I have to mow in season… *sigh*

    Trees, flowers, shrubs (“A Shrubbery!”), etc., well, that’s just more headaches.

    But then, if I think of it as exercise, I’m better off. *heh*

  3. no thinkin day…we outa make that official
    good on u dude…now go n take that run k?
    (fished ya outta the spam filter..ty for droppin by!) πŸ™‚

  4. Hellfar & Tarnation,

    How much “clean-up” is needed after a Friday nite?

    What’s wrong with a simple trash can?

    πŸ˜‰ “Orville Redenbacer’s” “Theatre Butter” seems quite fine to me. With the indivdual packs, one only needs to nuc ‘m only 1+30.

    Of course one may want a couple of Buds wit all that pop-corn. πŸ˜‰

    Which reminds me:

    Q: Why wouldn’t the two “old maids” drink beer on the beach?

    A: They were afraid of getting sand in their Schlitz.

    Next question ?

  5. Cleanup–more than from Friday night, as in weekly catchup stuff: laundry, Sat chores…

    THIS Saturday (21st), it’s “Spring clean” the kitchen, including my annual “re-paint the stove top” chore. (Well, we disliked the “harvest gold” on the old stove, but since the stove itself is perfectly functional… automotive exhaust parts paint–high heat, etc. Unfortunately, I have no place to bake the stovetop evenly, so portions do not cure as well as the parts directly next to the burners and some scratches, small chips, etc. So, yearly scrape, sand and repaint. Cos I’m too cheap to buy a new oven/stovetop JUSt cos we want a different color, that’s why. A $6.00 can of paint has lasted YEARS… *heh* And since I do most of the cooking… )

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