A Really Inconvenient Truth

Yep: dual-purpose post. While my “mouse finger” is wearing its “red badge of courage” (also known as my “bulky bandage of klutzhood” :-))–and no, it wasn’t wounded when I was punched in the nose (haven’t been)–dual purpose posts (with lots of cut n paste) will likely be the order of the day.

Linkfest/OTP. Hopefully you know what to do. More below the post body.

Is it any news to anyone on the face of the planet that Algore is not only a liar and a hypocrite but a particularly arrogant liar and hypocrite? The recent revelations of Algore’s profligate energy use are not news, but an email making the rounds (h.t. Lovely Daughter.) rubs that puppy’s nose in his mess of lies so well that it’s too good to pass up. (Yes, I know rubbing a puppy’s nose in its mess doesn’t really teach them not to make such messes, but Algore’s already a carcophage, as evidinced by the fact that he’s been eating his own B.S. so long he actually seems to believe it, now.)

Leaving the pretty picture of Algore as a carcophagic dog* behind us (if he’d only let us do so permanently!) on to the classic email making the rounds:


HOUSE # 1:

A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern “snow belt,” either. It’s in the South.

HOUSE # 2:

Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, This house incorporates every “green” feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flwers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.

So the answer is:

HOUSE # 1 (20 room energy guzzling mansion) is outside of Nashville,Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and filmmaker) Al Gore.

HOUSE # 2 (model eco-friendly house) is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as “the Texas White House,” it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

So whose house is gentler on the environment? Yet another story you WON’T hear on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC or read about in the New York Times or the Washington Post. Indeed, for Mr. Gore, it’s truly “an inconvenient truth.”

Poor puppy.

*Update: Note Perri Nelson’s comment. Yeh, I’m forced to admit to an outdated vocabulary (heck! I still think “gay” refers to someone who’s “happy, carefree”). Nowadays, most would use “coprophagic” as it’s the current, more “popular” term/usage of choice. *heh*

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Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Perri Nelson’s Website, Big Dog’s Weblog, Shadowscope, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Hollywood Gossip, Pursuing Holiness, Faultline USA, Stageleft, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, stikNstein… has no mercy, Walls of the City, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Dumb Ox Daily News, and High Desert Wanderer, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

19 Replies to “A Really Inconvenient Truth”

  1. Pingback: Adam's Blog
  2. “carcophagic”. Interesting word that. I can’t find it in any online dictionaries.

    Looks like I’m going to have to dig out the really big, really thick, really heavy one… If I can find it.

    Oh, I can figure it out from context… Thanks for expanding my vocabulary. 🙂

    Now if we could only expand Al Gores mind

  3. Perri,

    I believe the term has been superceded by “coprophage/coprophagic” by most users nowadays, but I’m still stuck on an older vocabulary. Coporophagia is, of course, the eating of feces, usually one’s own. And of course, it’s Algore’s silly shit-eating grin (when he’s trying to not appear “serious” that is) that reminds me of a dung beetle every time I see him…

  4. Pingback: Shadowscope
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