Getcherself a real browser :-)

Folks who’ve recieved email from me recently have seen this post’s title in my sigfile. Naturally, it refers to Opera. Opera 10 is apparently on the way, if the slew of recent “weekly releases” are any indication. But here’s something cool: I checked in at the Opera Desktop Team Blog yesterday (cos I had forgotten to check in last Friday–when the “weekly releases are usually posted) and saw that a weekly had been posted a day early–yesterday.

OK, downloaded it and intended to install and try it out. Time pressed in (and on) and I haven’t yet installed that weekly for trial, but tonight I was taking my Wonder Woman on a brief tour of the PC-BSD site and saw that the current distro is supposed to have Opera included with the default install. Cool. That led me back to the Opera Desktop Team Blog to check on the current ‘nix release and…

…Hmmm, another weekly released today to fix a few bugs introduced in yesterday’s weekly relase. Fast bug stomping. (OK, one was for a Solaris platform bug, and of the other three only the right-click bug was anything that’d bother me). But quick response to bug reports from the user community.

Another thing I really like about this small Norwegian company.

Oh, and their browser really kicks you-know-what.*heh*

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