Listing to Starboard III

Yeh, yeh, a linkfest. You know what to do. See more below the post.


From last month (Feb 5, 2007), this interview at Frontpage Magazing (h.t. Joanne Dow): The Study of Political Islam

The Center for the Study of Political Islam is a group of scholars who are devoted to the scientific study of the foundational texts of Islam—Koran, Sira (life of Mohammed) and Hadith (traditions of Mohammed). There are two areas to study in Islam, its doctrine and history, or as CSPI sees it—the theory and its results. We study the history to see the practical or experimental results of the doctrine.

It’s a long and relatively info-dense (for net magazine copy) article, but well worth reading.

From The Random Yak: A Modest Proposal…and an OTP (No, no h.t. to Jonathan Swift :-))

Congressmen must henceforth send their children to public school in the districts their constituents live in.

One of several Good Ideas proposed by TRY. May I add, “Mexicans” who proclaim they are proud to be “Mexicans” should be sent home to be real Mexicans, instead of phony ones living here and enjoying the advantages of Americans while playing at being “Mexicans”.

While I’m touching that base, let me direct your attention to NumbersUSA and IllegalAliens.US. Get some facts to counter politicians’ lies and then get off your duffs and harass your congresscritters, folks!

Michael J. Totten writes (h.t. Joanne Dow)about the one unalloyed success from the Iraq War: Iraqi Kurdistan:

Sunni Arabs were once the oppressors of Kurds. Now they are reduced to the same low status as migrant Mexican workers in the United States.

Well, Michael, there is a significant difference between Mexican migrant workers in the U.S. and Sunni Arab workers in Iraqi Kurdistan: the Kurds require the Sunnis who want to enter Kurdish controlled areas to at least be cleared by internal security (as Michael does note earlier), unlike the current U.S. government policy of surrender to invading hordes…

That’s all for now. happy clicking!

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21 Replies to “Listing to Starboard III”

  1. Pingback: Maggie's Notebook
  2. Pingback: Faultline USA
  3. Pingback: The Random Yak
  4. See…here’s what I like about blogging. You can actually reference what was once considered a relatively well-known author/work/piece/topic and somewhere…out there…someone catches the reference.

    Thanks for the shout-out. I’d remembered seeing the idea over here as well – though it’s something the Maniyak and I have often thought as well. Public school. Public housing. Public transportation. Three things elected congressmen should have to use – not in addition to, but instead of what their own resources could otherwise provide – throughout the duration of their tenure in office. Bet we’d see a few changes then…

  5. Pingback: Pirate's Cove
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  7. Pingback: The Amboy Times
  8. Pingback: Planck's Constant
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