Can you tell that it’s “sweeps week” in the blogosphere?

Apparently it’s sweeps week in the blogosphere, as the “2004 Weblog Awards” event winds on down to December 12, the last day of voting.

Best example of sweeps week blogging so far? Over at INDCJournal, we have a “blogochiropterologist” examining the loony left barking-nihilistic-poo-eating moonbats in their natural habitat…

Just so you know, INDCJournal is not entered in the humor category.

[BTW, you should be able to quickly deduce why I used “chiropterologist” instead of “chiroptologist” from the lead-in to the INDCJournal post linked above. Oh, and here (meaning also, there), as well, of course… ]

Oh, have I made it perfectly clear that you are now wasting time here instead of going to INDCJournal and reading the post I link here?

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