BP Agent Ramos Assaulted By Illegals In Prison!!

This from Heidi at Euphoric Reality

Border Patrol agent Ignacio Ramos was viciously assaulted in prison by five illegal aliens, where he is being held in general population! The assault occurred at 10:00pm Saturday night (Feb 3rd), apparently following the airing of America’s Most Wanted.

Now, that’s just the way to encourage the Border Patrol to do its job: gin up some fake charges against a couple of BP for doing their jobs, push ’em through a bent “justice” system (“bent” or “broken”?) and then house them in genpop and make sure any illegals there have free and apparently open access to assault them. That’ll be sure to encourage other BP agents to protect the border from invasions.


Which is exactly what the Bush administration, our wonderful congresscritters (for the most part) and Vicente Fox want.

President Bush, I’ll say it again: Climb down off Vicente Fox’s lap and pardon these guys. Heck, give ’em a medal for standing up to you and your ilk and doing the job you have refused to do: guard our borders–a job YOU are tasked with, and which you have steadfastly refused to do.

And you, dear reader: do the right thing yourself. Go Here. Sign the petition. Call the White House and your congresscritters. (Try to be polite, no matter what provocation you suffer at the hands of politicians’*spit* flappers and other obstructionists.) Then enlist 10 (or 50 or 100) folks from your addressbook to do the same.

It’s not just the Right thing to do; it’s the right thing to do.

2 Replies to “BP Agent Ramos Assaulted By Illegals In Prison!!”

  1. Amen! to everything you’ve said. What wonderful reporting between you and Heidi. I have signed the petitions, faxed, but could not get through to the White House Comment Line (multiple attempts). My faxes got through, though. My calls to the main White House switchboard were received with intense frustration, as she failed to get me through to Comments.

    Shame! Shame! on Tony Snow and God Bless these men.

  2. Well . . . I’ve spread the word to my e-mail list — at least those who I thnk may pay attention — and posted it to my local talk radio forum.

    Altough I support the actions against Iraq & Afganistan, the more I learn ’bout Dubya, the more pissed off I get!!!.

    A few days ago I was in a supermarket checkout line when I noticed one of the tabloids (“National Enquirer,” “Globe” or some such) had front page photos of Dubya with a tear in his eye and Laura with a real PO’ed look on her face with a headline about some big fight (arguement) they had recently. Kinda makes me wonder if she’s had enough too.

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