T-13, 1.13: Revolutions

I suppose I could have titled this “Resolutions” but some of the 13 that follow are more properly labeled “revolutionary” :-).

During the coming year, I’d like to accomplish a few simple things:

1. See the top of my desk at the end of every day. (Right now, I can see a few small portions of it… *heh*)

2. Get a handle on my blog reading. I’m way behind and falling “behinder” as time progresses. RSS feeds help, but aren’t the complete answer. A speed-reading refresher? Maybe…

3. Become as competent with Linux as I have been for years with DOS. (Old dogs, new tricks and all that. Still, I do enjoy what I’ve picked up while building Linux-based routers/firewalls and such. Just want to develop a mastery, for fun.)

4. Take more time off from blogging for fun stuff like woodworking and songwriting– activities that have languished for a couple of years.

5. Consider shaving my beard. No, not a goal of actually shaving it, just of considering shaving it. πŸ˜‰

6. In the same vein, consider whether I’d like to cut another clothing size or two. Right now, I can wear clothes from tha back of my closet that I’ve not been able to wear for years til now. If I drop another coupla sizes, I’ll have to buy new, and that might impact the funkiness of my wardrobe.

7. Get off the dime and rewire twc central: completely structured; ethernet, coax, telco, etc. It’s all drawn out, materials (save one 110 punchdown block) here, so what am I waiting for? Oh, right. Someone to kick my tail up into the attic to start snaking wiring… *sigh*

8. Build myself a “sonic canon” for use when the neighborhood barbarians cut loose again… OK, just slightly kidding. The linked canon won’t do for my purposes at all. I need something operating at 150 decibels, all right, but in the 8 Hz range… *heh*

9. Discover the root cause of contemporary faux liberalism… and stamp it out.

10. Take Diogenes’ lamp in hand and go forth searching for an honest politician. That should keep me wandering until my legs give out or Social Security fails (OK, so I won’t have to worry about my legs giving out).

11. Get some sleep.

12. Get more sleep.

13. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Tacked up at the Thursday Thirteen Hub and

Trackposted to Is It Just Me?, The Random Yak, The HILL Chronicles, High Desert Wanderer, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

5 Replies to “T-13, 1.13: Revolutions”

  1. My very first Chief Petty Officer, the indefatigable OSC Michael P. McCaffery, regaled me with tales of a boss he had, who had all the conventional desk removed from the office, and desk without drawers installed. Rule Nr 1 (and, the only rule): You can go home each day when your desk was cleared…..

    Oh, and if you get that lamp and strike out on that quest, be prepared to get nothing else accomplished before you become worm food….:)

  2. I can relate to the blog reading. I need to catch up reading (and deleting those blogs that are no longer in existence from my bookmarks) and sleep is always good.

    My 13 are up. I moved my blog and this is my first 13 in my new digs.

  3. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  4. Hell far ‘n Tarnation, Davido (yep supper wuz “corn soup” ‘n oyster crackers).

    Absolutely BEST ever NYE “revolution” came to me from CatWoman 1022.

    I’ll put 2-3 quotes here, then I’ll ‘splain Cat, as I unnerstan her. πŸ˜‰

    *” New Year’s Resolution to MAKE IT to New Year 2008!” *


    Re: “New Year’s Resolution to make it to New Year 2008!”

    Cat, I absolutely love it! THANKS!

    May I adopt (or use) your resolution for me, too? …

    [it has far more meaning for me at this moment than you’ll ever know]

    Again, *THANKS*!


    Hill…please feel free to use it all you want.


    Cat ‘n I only share ONE unique event. We both be borned on the same date, but she be borned ’bout 20 yars after me.

    I be’d 1st introduced to her when Ralph Bristol* interviewed her ’bout a year ago. Why did he interview her? She was a “local” celeb for the moment. She’d done the wife swap “reality” TV thing.

    Cat did convert that interview into a -puter geek guru gig at the local AM “talk” station. (respect . . . perhaps . . . for recognizing a business opportunity & taking advantage of same.)

    * “A lonely voice of reason in a cacophony of chaotic chatter.”
    — Ralph Bristol, Radio Talk Host, “WORD” 950 AM

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