No Holy Night

As in past years, I’m once again “sharing” with (inflicting on) folks the following… sounds. WARNING: unless you have a very strong stomach or ears ruined by listening to contemporary popular crap, you may feel that the sounds (I refuse to call it singing or music) linked to below are cruel and unusual punishment torture.

What they are, really, is the kind of thing inflicted on Christmas program attendees around this country who are often either too polite to comment to the “singer” or too numb-eared from (see above) to even know what they’ve had dumped on them.

REPEAT: Drowning cats would be more musical. And though such an act would be barbarous and cruel, I doubt it could be as cruel as inflicting the following on you. But that’s me: mean to the bone.

Here ’tis: No Holy Night. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

(BTW, this last Sunday, I heard someone “sing” one of my fav Christmas songs with not quite the same degree of musicality. *sigh* Earplugs.)

Noted at the Christmas Alliance HQ and trackposted to Wake Up America, Renaissance Blogger, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, Conservative Cat, Jo’s Cafe, basil’s blog, and bRight & Early, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

One Reply to “No Holy Night”

  1. I’m not altogether sure what to say about that, mainly because I’m fighting the overwhelming urge to stab my eardrums out with an ice pick. Do I even want to know where that came from??

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