New to me

Well, I had a little wiggle room in my schedule today, so I thought I’d at least mention a blog that’s new to me. Earlier this week, Jon Pananas of Laconic Blog emailed me and offered a “link swap.” Now, frankly, I don’t “do” straight up “link swaps” just to get links and probably never will. And I know some folks frown on sending emails asking for “Attention! Attention!” *heh*

But I don’t really feel that way. Sure, if someone’s asking me to read their blog and I check it out and discover that it’s crap (or just some splog, as most such emails are), I feel like I’ve been gulled into wasting my time, cos, well, I have. 🙂

But Jon’s blog’s not like that.

A post exhorting folks to visit one of my fav websites (Orson Scott Card’s site—Card’s a guy I’ve sent readers of twc to visit before; a post offering “An Alternative to Capitulation”, and more, all within the first few posts on the front page. BTW, the essay on Card’s site that Jon points to is powerful.

If Jon keeps this up, I’ll have to work harder polishing up my speedreading skills in order to fit another fine blog into the time I have…

Anywho, Laconic Blog‘s going in my right sidebar somewhere, and maybe you’ll find a place among your blogrolls for it once you’ve had a read, too.

Thanks for the heads up, Jon.

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