OK, This is Absurd

Ridiculous. Exceeding even the “reality-based fantasies” of Mass Media Podpeople, Loony Left Moonbats and Academia Nut Fruitcakes.

Surpassingly, mind-bogglingly silly.

I got an email from Gribbit expressing similar thoughts (in a much more low-key manner–and for Gribbit, that’s something :-)), and so I popped over to The Truth Laid Bear ecosystem page and checked out what he was talking about.

Sure enough, Gribbit had been jumped way up in what was apparently a re-indexing of the TTLB Ecosystem. “Well,” thought I, “it’s no more than he deserves.”

But then I thought to check and see if twc had been affected by the apparent reindexing.

Now, folks, THIS is ridiculous.

It’s not that I mind, particularly, but 78?!?! *sheesh!*

Nah. Makes no sense at all, at all.

Oh, well, as I’ve said all along, it’s N.Z. Bear’s game and he makes the rules. Have fun out there, boys n girls. ๐Ÿ™‚

Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Wake Up America, and The HILL Chronicles, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Oh, and tracked back to Gribbit’s weekend OTA post, cos he gave me the heads up on this flabbergasting turn of events.

2 Replies to “OK, This is Absurd”

  1. Well they sure are having fun and it sure IS THEIR GAME. David yesterday my TLB was ranked #104–and today—heh, get this- now it is #905!

    Somedays I wonder who is being duped….lol!!!! Ah well, sigh…I don’t care….as long as people visit and read my stuff that is what counts–better some than none!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Wow, David, that IS crazy. I moved up a bit, I’m at 559 now, but still nothing earth-shattering, not that I would expect anything more, my linking isn’t too great with a lack of time lately (not that I can complain as the lack of time comes from the Christmas ordering rush which is always a wonderful thing). There’s always next year, eh??

    Anyway, I enjoyed your other post with the recipe and such too, I’ve been reading you in Bloglines of course but haven’t had a chance to stop over here for a bit.

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