The Joys of Me$$y$oft

This in my inbox from eWeek:

Microsoft has issued a zero-day attack alert for its ubiquitous Word application. The unpatched flaw can be exploited when a user simply opens a maliciously rigged Word document,
and there are no pre-patch workarounds available, Microsoft

Why do I use OpenOffice, again? I mean, beside the fact that it’s FREE? Oh, yeh. More secure. Riiiight.

And though half of businesses unable to “upgrade” their computers to Windows Vista, maybe that’s not such a bad thing… since Microsoft’s “shrinkwrapped beta to the desktop” programs ALWAYS need patching the day they’re rolled out. *sigh*

Oh, and the Rio Grande is now somewhere North of Redmond?

Alla y’all who “refreshed” Internet Exploder 7 just before Thanksgiving to get the latest security patch discovered that Microsoft apparently thought we’d already changed the name of the country to “Los Estados Unidos de América,” cos the package for the U.S. English version tried convert a buncha folks’ IE7 to a Spanish language version. WTG, MessySoft. *sigh* It’s “fixed” now, though. Well, as fixed as Internet Exploder can be, I suppose. Look for more securrity patches monthly on that monster. (Meanwhile, Opera’s managed less than 2 security patches needed a year, for the past several years… and all of those were released within a day or so of the discovery of the need for them. Even Firefox development has been better than MessySoft there.)

Well, I suppose I could continue this lil poke in the eye, but MessySoft does that to itself enough to make any jabs I make in its direction superfluous.

Still, I do use Windows, though I am transitioning my personal use to different flavors of Linux (still have to use Windows for ONE application and for familiarity so I can rag on those who call on me to fix Windows-related issues. *heh*). “Different flavors of Linux”—*LOL* “Yum! Puppy!” Ymmier: Puppy on a stick! 🙂

With all the aches and pains users must experience upgrading or simply maintaining Microsoft’s products—especially in the last few years—Microsoft seems to be making its mission statement, “You only hurt the ones (whose money) you love.”


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