Through the looking glass

Ever feel like you’ve seen a reflection of public school and wondered if you’ve fallen through the looking glass? A tenth grade class in a Denver Public School was asked to complete an exercise in “critical thinking”–this exercise:

“[W]rite down five things the U.S. government is currently doing that might be unconstitutional.”

A student who got a grade of 40% (for only writing down two things) submitted this:

“1. Bushe cold have help the Katrina people whin it hapin. 2. Bushe should’t be tipin in to people’s phone.”

Compiling a list of people who should be horsewhipped for that result would be an arduous task. First in line, of course, would be the teacher (or curriculum developer) for devising such a loaded exercise and labeling it as a “critical thinking” exercise. Then there would be the student and his parents. The student for being too lazy to bother learning how to read during the previous nine years (or more) of schooling; the parents for not MAKING the kid learn (although, probably the kid only had “parent” to supervise–and I use both terms losely).

Then there are all the lazy-assed and wrongheaded teachers, pubschool admins, eeducrats and “education” professors that wasted the previous nine years (or more) of this kid’s life indoctrinating him in becoming an untermensch.

Read the article. Weep. Then get angry and take it out on the next educrat/pubschool admin/useless idiot pubschool drone who crosses your path. No, don’t engage in violent behavior, but do excoriate them in a most vigorous manner. And encourage everyone you know to do the same. Again and again and again and…

Folks, in a country where idiots like this can vote, this is a serious national security issue. And running, crying to the feds about it will only make things worse! If we each do not do what we can at the local level to move against the educrats and politicians who exercise remote control over our schools, pressure our local boards to hire—and retain—teachers who can teach (instead of subliterate semi-morons recently churned out from “education” factories) and place gag bits in pubschool admins mouths (some, literally!), then we will have the country we deserve, and it won’t be the United States of America. Briefly, it may become Los Estados Unidos… before being overrun by jihadists establishing the Caliphate… on the way to dissolution, starvation and utter ruin.

A pretty picture. And one our educational establishment, with the complicity of parents and lazy-assed students, will bring to pass if folks don’t wake up and take back the schools.

Just a little Christmas cheer for ya!

h.t. Chaos Manor in Review

2 Replies to “Through the looking glass”

  1. Egads David, I nearly did a post on a school where they
    pay students to study!..But I thought it may send u
    over the deep edge so I deep sixed it!

  2. Geez…I’m thinking horse whipping is way too light a sentence. Slow (and I mean really slow…) immersion, beginning with the feet, into boiling vegetable oil…they are destroying the future. They complain about “outsourcing” jobs now, what about the wreckage they call “graduates” not being able to communicate in a business setting? I know they already have remote order takers at one of the fast food chains…I bet a robotics set up, run via satellite from India for a fast food line can’t be far behind at this rate.

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