T 13, 1.9: 13 things that make me glad to be growing older

Semi-liveblogging Thanksgiving day…

This one’s a countdonw list…

13. The 10% discount I get at Taco Bell. Without even asking.

12. Heck, ANY “senior discount” I get, whether I have to ask for it or not. Cos I’m a cheap bastard.

11. I can claim my hearing’s bad whenever some dunmbass starts to give his view of the world. (“Eh? What was that? Violins in the Middle East? Whatsa problem with that?”)

10. Heck, I’ve reached the point in my life when can tell dumbasses they are dumbasses and not care that I hurt their po’ widdle feewings. Just think where I’ll be in 10 or 20 years, at this rate!

9. Every sunrise is a miracle of grace, cos if I got what I deserved outa life, I’d have been dead and in hell long ago… just like every person who’s alive today. (Ain’t it great to NOT get what ya deserve?)

8. Every day I spend on this earth, I have the opportunity to learn something new. Today, I’ve already learned how to make festive holiday candles (Lovely Daughter’s been reading home deco mags, I guess :-)) using cranberries, tea lights and crystal drinking glasses. What other discoveries await me today?

7. Every day is another chance to get one more thing right… this time (and a chance, of course, to screw something new up in strange and interesting ways).

6. Kittens.

5. Watching our children grow “in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man”.

4. Autumn.

3. Sleep is an option.

2. Every time “I gaze into the night sky and see the works of Your fingers… ” I’m led to realize

1. Every day older is another day with my Wonder Woman.

tb-posted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub (where Thanksgiving Thursday falls on Wednesday the 22 this year :-))

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