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From someone MUCH smarter than I, and much, much, MUCH smarter than our political masters in D.C. Concerning Iraq and the purchase influence of an election at least in part via al Qaeda influence yielding a cut-and-run Democratic Congress. From Jerry Pournelle, Monday:
If we are going to pull out, the Army has to be given a chance to sort out its friends and help them get to places of safety. That probably means some wholesale population shifts of Kurds from southern areas to north, rearrangements by tribes and confessions, and in general a partition of Iraq, with the training of regional militias. This is the only way the Legions can protect their friends. And our political masters are unlikely to allow this.
“…our political masters are unlikely to allow this” because, in my estimation, they are stupid, short-sighted, greedy, personal power hungry politicians *spit*. Come to think of it, the modifiers were redundant.
Oh, and read the rest of Monday’s Mail and Dr. Pournelle’s responses. How I wish just a few of the politicians *spit* in D.C. had half enough sense to at least hear him out…
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