The Ghost of Election Past…

OK, I’ve blogging live on this one…

Dreary news?

Well, yes and no. Republican’ts surely got what they had coming in the national results. Play soft on illegal aliens, spend like drunken sailers, refuse to move on serious legislation to ensure fair taxation for us, our children and grandchildren and still call themselves conservatives?

But there’s a silver lining.

This can be and hopefully will be a BIG dope slap to Republican’ts who refuse to be serious about reining in spending, border/immigration control, rennovating the tax system from the ground up or doing what’s NECESSARY to create a Middle East less capable of producing terrorists for export (like, instead of playing footsie with the surrender monkeys across the aisle, dig in their heels and work HARD to get done what’s needed in Iraq, Iran… and Saudi Arabia, among other places).

If RepubliCAN’TS learn to work together for the security of this country, for fair taxation, for reduced spending, they can become RepubliCANS and block the dismantling of our military (such as happened at great peace during the Clintoon years), block higher taxes, block runaway spending and more. By reaching out to less-than-wild-eyed-Pelosites across the aisle (instead of trying to appease the Pelosites), republicans could make central conservative issues real wedge issues to fracture the apparent Pelosite juggernaut.

But will they?

The surrender monkeys among the Republican’ts (RINOs one and all) who were reelected or not up in this election cycle will make it difficult. The tendency for these congresscritters (and this president) to flat out ignore their base and refuse to take principled stands on important issues militates against such good sense, as well.

But maybe… maybe this mid-term dope slap will get their attention.


May I respectfully submit that we, as citizens, do everything in our power–calls, letters, personal visits to congresscritters’ offices, etc.–to encourage our congresscritters to get with a program to genuinely enhance American security, make taxation fair, rein in spending, etc.? And may I point to Daffy ab Hugh’s excellent post concerning things republiCAN’TS need to do in the next two years to become genuine RepubliCANS? It’s a very long post, as blog entries go, but worth reading EVERY SINGLE WORD, then re-reading so you, too, can become an apostle of good news to your RepubliCAN’T Senator or Congressman, seeking to convert them to righteous conservatism. *heh* Here’s a sampel of what you’re in for at Big Lizards, Advice for President Bush in dealing with a Dem controlled Congress:

Put them in the position of having to be the bad guys who try (and fail) to shoot down your tax-cut proposals, who attempt to veto sending enough troops into Baghdad to really make a difference, and whose wild spending bills you keep vetoing. Don’t worry about embarassing them; it can only help. You’re not after the leadership anyway… you’re after the rank and file — that’s your secret weapon, that many Democrats really don’t like the Democratic leadership and feel secretly embarassed to be associated with them.


Go. Read the whole thing. NOW!

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