
Well, it’s all over but the recounts… *sigh* Here’s hoping that most of the idiots and bums who couldn’t/didn’t do their homework stayed home from the polls.

Things are still stacked up here at twc (and if things are going according to Murphy, I’m way behind on my tasks list this week, already *heh*), so this is another canned prepost. I continue to rely upon the kindness of strangers (and regular ereaders, posters and friends) to supply the content this week. So, yeh, this is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post, open for your post trackbacks Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Link to this post and track back.

And do check out the other fine blogs hosting linkfests listed at Linkfest Haven.

Hit me with your best shot(s).

16 Replies to “Post-election/OTA”

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  2. Pingback: Stuck On Stupid
  3. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  4. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  5. Pingback: Wake up America
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