T-13 1.5 “To-Do List”

13 of my Thursday non-work-related (i.e., “my time”) to-do list tasks, unordered as to priority, simply listed:

1. Write my T-13 post. 🙂

2. Remove ECM from parts car for car #1 (for mechanic to use in car#1).

3. Make chili for dinner.

4. Feed the animals. Again. *sigh* 😉

5. Scan through a few blogs.

6. Call parents. “duty” call. *heh* Let ’em know road trip their way is scheduled for Saturday (fair warning: weekend bloggage will be virtually nonexistent). Subnote: learn their new phone number. Speed dial ain’t gonna make it.

7. Clean or replace idle air control valve car #2.

8. New battery car #2 (beginning to see a pattern to my Thursday to-dos?)

9. Clean n prep car#2 for trip.

10. Play chauffeur for Wonder Woman’s “running around to clinics when the kids have school off day” (yeh, pretty much eliminates a lot of work, today. ‘S’all right, though). Note; Her car’s at the mechanic and she doesn’t drive stick.

11. Tape Smallville for WW. (Even though it’s gotten almost too weird to watch. Once was pretty fair show, but now, I dunno. I’ll save my commentary about how bad TV has improved my reading list for another time.)

12. Pre-post a coupla days’ posts.

13. Get to bed early, cos tomorrow’s even more filled with non-work-related extras.

TB’ed to Thursday Thirteen, where you can find a list of lists.

3 Replies to “T-13 1.5 “To-Do List””

  1. Mmmm, chili. I was contemplating that myself – just out of a can with some salsa and fresh onions though, nothing too fancy, it’s just myself and the little one of course (who also lover chili).

    Hope your trip goes well if I don’t get back over here before you leave. I haven’t watched Smallville for a few seasons now, it used to be interesting at first though.

  2. Pingback: Lil Duck Duck
  3. I starte watching Smallville a couple of seasons into it, after Orson Scott Card gave it a good review.

    Now, though, it’s gotten just a tad too weird and off-track, IMO. But.. still marginally interesting, compared to the rest of TV fare. (Yeh, there are a few other good programs–better, infact–out there, but very few).

    All the more reason to read another book, work on a project (Hey! I have a lil “project car” now, so… another reason to get the rest of the garage cleaned up 🙂

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