Lil Cat Health Tip

On my way to a busy day mostly away from access to twc, so if y’all trackback or comment here and your tbs/comments don’t show right away, just hang in there; I’ll be back to pull things from my moderation queue later.

Meanwhile, a quick lil cat health tip.

Our largest (most, urm, “assertive”) cat had a weight problem. She’d bully the other cats away from the food bowls and scarf things down until her “sufficiency had been surrensified” as my ole pa used to put it “back in the day.”

Soooo… after long time working at various solutions: bowls of cat food in widely separated places only helped a little. The other cats seem to “snack” at their food, so she’d go raid those bowls between scarfs of her own; putting down less food simply penalized the other two. What to do?

After multiple experiments, I think I may have finally hit on a solution. I found a food (a combo of two foods) the other two like but that she does not. Oh, when she’s truly hungry enough, she’ll eat it, but otherwise, she turns her nose up at it, while the other two eat to their hearts’ content.

Big girl has lost weight and stabilized at a more healthy configuration. The other two seem fine.

Now, when I serve them their food, I can do it all in one handy (for me) location. Big girl simply looks at me with disgust and walks away after a few sniffs and/or, grudging nibbles… but she does come back later when she’s really hungry.

I wonder how that would work with people? Purina Monkey Chow? An “All you can eat” diet. Complete nutrition but too disgusting for even chubbos to want to eat…

I wonder what Stuck On Stupid thinks of the idea…

One Reply to “Lil Cat Health Tip”

  1. Maybe what your cat needs is the cat ladder to get it back into shape. I think cats are like people in that all they really need is some incentive towards getting them back in shape. If you can give your cat something that is fun, I’m sure food will no longer be as interesting.

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