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Rick (The Real Ugly American) has suggested linking to David Berlind’s post attempting to find the owner of a lost iPod.
Whatever. *heh*
If you live in the New England area and flew on United Airlines on or about October 9th or 10th [and lost your iPod].Then contact David Berlind. He has your iPod.
Well, maybe. There could have been several (hundred?) folks who lost iPods under those circunstances, but the photos and music selection stored on the thing ought to make identifying the ownder easy enough… if the owner sees one of these blogposts and comes forward, that is. And that’s kinda the idea of this lil experiment.
If this isn’t a test for how the blogosphere can get things done, I’m not sure what is. As a part of this test, if you happen to read this blog entry and you have a blog, please spread the word and let’s see if the viral nature of the blogosphere can help this iPod find its owner.
Well? Gonna post about this for your readers, too?
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