My “fav” SPAM/Open Post

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The amount of SPAM I recieve varies a great deal from day to day and from one venue to another. My oldest active email address collects about 1,000 SPAM emails a day in its junk folder. I never bother to screen it. I do screen the SPAM I recieve in my blog comments filters. That can range–depending upon the day, weather, sunspots and demonic activity, from several hiundred a day to well over (on peak days) a thousand.

I do try to screen it all, in hopes of catching the two or three genuine comments caught amongst the dross.

SPAM, though massively packed with electronic cholesterol, can sometimes provide a sort of toxic amusement. For example, the noms de spam adopted by the boors who flood my spam filters range from the prosaic Mary Drake to the “timely” Hubert Tuesday, and along the way sometimes become colorful, strange or outright bizarre. Examples from ONE “set” of SPAM on one day last week:

Daffodil Rayford
Cosmo Chauncy
Solomon Ivory
Ayanna Primrose
Cybil Quillan
Wanda Zalman (love “her” fans—with apologies to Zalman Cooling *heh*)

Then there are the truly lame SPAM commenters such as the one below. Who, posessing at least anough neurons on the right location to make one complete synapse, would think the following would appeal to anyone?

rwerweer | yftrtyrfee@[2-4-6-8, who do we just love to hate].com | IP: 666.666.666.666 (IP changed to indicate the true source) Yes, each one of the “piping” symbols below was—though no longer!—linked to the spammer’s demonic hooks…


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