Hit me with a cluebat, already!/Monday Open Post

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Short shrift, today. Full schedule here in America’s Third World County. So, just a few thoughts:

Since Jesus proclaimed a message of peace and encouraged his followers to “love one another” and do good to their enemies; since He refused to give a group of men typical of 99.99999% of those who habituate the mosques honoring the Butcher of Medina permission to stone a woman to death; since there is no record of lies, deciet, murder and betrayal performed by Him for His followers to point to as an excuse for barbarous acts, then those who act like faithful Muslims while falsely claiming to be Christians are liars and the truth is not in them.

OTOH, anyone claiming to be a follower of Mohammed who is NOT a murdering, raping, treacherous savage is a liar. For Mohammed was a murdering rapist and pedophile, a savage brute in all that can be imagined. Anyone who claims to be a follower of the Butcher of Medina who does not emulate him in his treachery, sexual predation and savage, murderous ways is not really a Muslim. They’re kinda Muslims like Unitarians are Christians. Not at all.

Just something to think about.

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