Just a quick question

wouldn’t it be a nice lil diversion from the normal press of almost unremitting bad news generated by political loons if the feds, instead of spending billions of dollars harrassing ordinary citizens, would spend a few billions searching the world for a pin whose head was small enough to contain the Clintoons’ moral precepts (and leave room for the contents of the intelligence expressed on the Demoncrappic Underpants)?

It’d be quite a thing to watch: nightly updates on the exploits of intrepid adventurers in the nanoworld.

Now, back to our regular programming. (Oh, BTW, one small light in the darkness: the House passed the Public Expression Of Religion Act: 244 to 173, today. On to the Senate, where poltroons, buffons and those who are bent on modeling Evil Incarnate can have a chance to pull its teeth… *sigh*)

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