Yeh, makes a lotta sense, right?
This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post, open all weekend long. Link to this post and track back.
Today is totally jammed @twc central. For some Reading That Is Not to Be Missed, just go to Melanie Phillips’ front page and start reading. With well written articles titled, “The war against Israel” and “While truth dies in the west, in the east it struggles to be born” you shouldn’t miss her insight.
I don’t know why I haven’t mentioned her recently. But now that I have, DO read.
And do catch this one from DL over at TMH’s Bacon Bits while you’re out and about.
As I said, this is an open trackback post open all weekend long. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Hmmm, two trackbacks in two days, eaten at TWC… seems I’m having the same trouble with your site that Angel is having with mine. *sigh*
Good one from DL on VDH:
and DL’s weekly wacky headlines
Have a good weekend, bud! Celebrate that good old Organized Labor! WOOT! 😛
Already left a trackback, thus this comment.
New post up on the situation in CA, you may enjoy it.