“Yassir Arafat: requiescat in feces”

Well, Carol, you’re a better person than I am:

“Yasser Arafat is dead. May God have mercy on his soul. And now, perhaps in time, there will be a chance peace for long-suffering Palestinians and Israelis.”–Carol Platt Liebau

Yes, of course. And the sentiment is echoed throughout the blogoshere, but more common reactions from my bookmarked sites are found here, and here and here. I am particularly drawn to Jay Tea’s comment,

“Good riddance to bad rubbish

Yassir Arafat: requiescat in feces.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Ad aeternam.”

Yeh, maybe it’s a tad small of me, but why no street parties in the US of A last night, such as the Palestinians held celebrating 9/11?

Maybe the real “street partiy” is being held here. By real men.

Well, now at least, more and more terrorist scum is finding out what it means to “dance with the devil” thanks to coalition forces in Iraq.

“U.S. Marines said American forces had taken control Wednesday of 70 percent of Fallujah in the third day of a major offensive to retake the insurgent stronghold. Major Francis Piccoli, of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, said enemy fighters were bottled up in a strip of the city flanking the major east-west highway that splits Fallujah. Army and Marine units had pushed south to the highway overnight, Piccoli said.”–Bakersfield Californian

(h.t. Belmont Club—where you should go to get your news on Iraq/the Fallujah push. A good clearinghouse of maps/photos of the action.)

Hmmm… some have proposed that the pull out from Fallujah last Spring was an engraved invitation for terrorists to consider Fallujah a safe haven, so as to gather as many as possible to a central “roach motel” where many (and the toll is mounting hugely) will NOT be checking out.

It’d be nice if the Israelis could consider Arafat’s entombment seremony to be a similar ingathering…

Oh. Well. At least he’s dancing with the devil, now.

“Yassir Arafat: requiescat in feces.”

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