See this video

I don’t normally refer folks to LGF posts, cos I figure if you’re so inclined you’re already making it a regular stop, anyway. But, just in case any of y’all missed it, yesterday LGF pointed to this video, I, a Muslim.


Make time to watch it. It’s only a little over 25 minutes long, but may be an eye opener for some. Post a link to it on your own blogs and email the link to folks who don’t read blogs.

Cluebat for open borders folks: the lessons of the video include lessons about the dangers of open borders in general, not just about Islamicization of the West. (Not that open borders folks will take the lessons to heart… *sigh*)

One Reply to “See this video”

  1. Well that was really interesting. What kept jumping out at me was that they continually said that they were fighting for their “freedom.”
    Yeah. Ok.

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