Roundup/Tuesday OP

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Today, a short roundup of reads ranging from chuckles through interesting to important. In no particular order.

At The Wide Awakes, Gribbit, Cao and Richard Nixon *heh* make some important points about the war Mohammedans started with the U.S.

Over at Anywhere But Here, Kris makes war against another enemy… 🙂 Kinda reminds me of this:

Joe's Apartment

Joe's Apartment

…and this.

And going from the ridiculous to the more ridiculous, The Random Yak explains the primary reasons some people didn’t go see Snakes on a Plane.”

Linknzona (among others) reminds me I failed to get the Guard the Borders blogburst post up yesterday (I’ll get A Round To-it in a bit here)… simply by doing it… *sigh* If you just can’t wait for me to get A Round To-it, read Linknzona’s blog.

Woody’s Thermos Bottle Magic, at GM Roper’s, is a great thumb in the eye to moonbats. 😉

Lisa Renee (Liberal Commonsense) points out the udderly ridiculous.

Swinging back to take perfect aim on the X-ring on a Very Important Target, Alexandra blows a BIG hole in UNSC Resolution 1701.

Kat (Cathouse Chat) points to How to Negotiate with Terrorists. READ IT.

And in a post that’s strongly related, though it may not appear to be at first glance, Nathan Bradfielfd notes, The Groundswell to Tear Down the Wall. Yeh, it’s a part of the same war.

UPDATE: The Random Yak has corralled some interesting posts. Brand ’em, Yak.

That’s all for now. Maybe more later. Hit me with some good shots below

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