Today was eaten by locusts…

…but they were such niiiiice lil bugs…

(Semi-late—freebie, of course :-)—”tech support” call from a relative outa state… while I was in NO position to help didn’t help with the fighting fires, kicking aligators and roasting locusts, either. Oh, and not calling for self, for a friend, who, as it turns out, only had one real problem with his dialup: he’d not paid the bill. *sigh* No, can’t have my credit card number. *heh*)


Back when I can pretend to be sane.

2 Replies to “Today was eaten by locusts…”

  1. Aww..can I have yer credit card # then?
    It may come in handy when booking my tkts to er..where can I go
    lessee…England?..nope!..France?…ha! how bout Malaysia?..LOL..:)

  2. Ugh, I hear ya. I used to be tech support for friends, family, and even people at work. No more. (Of course, it helped when I stopped using the OS that they were.) Anyhow, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I’m not to the point of wishing that their little ones’ heads be dashed upon the rocks (Islamists), but I’ve had it with the generation of murderous subhumans that walk beneath the crescent and the star today.

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