Foiled ISLAMIC Terrorist Plot: drive-by observation

Words that seem conspicuously absent from linkage with “terrorism” in “news” reports I’ve seen thus far:


Oh, the words may appear elsewhere in some of the reports (though not in the al-reuters report here. Its only mention of Islam is in a link at the bottom of the page to an Islamic Aid organization… of course), but not in connection with terrorism.

Mass Media Podpeople’s Army Hive Mind line: “Pay no attention to the Islamic terrorist behind the curtain.” (For best effect, deliver the line in your mind’s ear with Elmer Fudd’s voice.)

Can’t fool the folks that congregate over at Diane’s Stuff, I betchya.

2 Replies to “Foiled ISLAMIC Terrorist Plot: drive-by observation”

  1. Funny…I noticed the same thing. We’ll see what happens as the story develops today. I’m hoping the omission is merely a result of overly cautious reporting – though we’ve seen in the past week precisely how “cautious” the reporting is when it’s not Muslims doing the damage. (Witness the “dead guy” in Lebanon and the Great Photoshop Caper of ’06.)

  2. Young Muzzzzzzzzzzzlim and Male…yea that would b it wouldnt it?
    But but but we musn’t utter those dirty words..because u
    may risk “offending” cold blooded murderers and we musn’t
    have that ..right?

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