Fiddlin’ Around

If you take an even casual glance at the big news recently and compare the “big stories” found on blogs to the ones played up by the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army, Political Goons, Loons and Poltroons, etc., you might notice a common thread: traditional media and political power brokers are primarily NOT concerned with facts, truth, information of substance dealing with significant issues but with manipulating perception of events to fit their reality-based fantasies.

Hissybullies, in textbook terrorist actions, lob hundreds of rockets into civilian homes and businesses in Israel, deliberately attempting to kill noncombatants, then go hide among women and children when the Israelis predicatbly start to stomp their nests.

What do politicians and Mass Media Podpeople show? Hissybullies deliberately staging fake “atrocities” and using bodies of children THEY attempted to use as human shields/foils in multiple re-stagings to provide “proof” of Israel’s perfidy.

And politicians and Mass Media Podpeople not only buy these re-stagings of Hissybully atrocities as Israeli wrongs, they lap up completely fake “evidence” and ask for (pay for) more.

Switching gears: The hottest decade on record for the U.S. was dozens of years before global warmists say man-made global warming took off, yet what dominates the weather news?


All sizzle, friends. The steak is that 1934 through1936 still stand as the worst drought, highest temp years this country has ever recorded. When the Mass media Podpeople can show me the Dustbowl starting up again, I might start believing their cry of ”Wolf!” />

Racism, bigotry and hate are alive and well… in the Democratic Party, but the news is filled with the drunken ravings of an… actor. Yeh,
racism, bigotry and hate openly displayed by Democratic leadership’s own—and their “operatives”—to defeat Joe Lieberman, but the “news” is filled up with the horror (the HORROR!) of Mel Gibson’s drunken ravings. (Lemme tell ya, folks: drunks say all kindsa stuff. Hang around Teddy “Swim for your life!” Kennedy for a while if ya don’t believe that.)

Fill in with nearly every “major” story and burning political issue today. Majoring on the minors, selling the sizzle, buying the lies: Mass Media Podpeople and political elite fiddling while society burns.

Crossposted at The Wide Awakes

Mini0micro update: h.t. to Dan Rhiel for the link to Gateway Pundit’s expose of the NYT fakery of the week (until superceded by another one, no doubt). Seems some of those pics should be captioned “Dead Man Working” or “The Zombie of Tyre” or something… Just one more example of embellishing a fundamental lie (the “uncalled-for aggression of Israel”) with a stupid one.

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