An old friend rediscovered

At All Costs (The Honor Harrington)

At All Costs (Honor Harrington)

I’d been meaning to read David Weber’s At All Costs for nearly a year now, and finally got around to it a week or so ago. Glad I did for more reasons than just that Weber can tell a tale well. In the course of unfolding the story, he reminded me of an old friend:

David and the Phoenix

David and the Phoenix

I first read the book when it came out as a “Weekly Reader”. When I picked it up, it was more out of desperation than anything else—I’d read everything else available and needed to feed my addiction to the printed word. My impression was that it was “too young” for me… until I started reading.

Yes, it’s a “juvie”–and a “young” one at that, but… it’s just a very good story, well-told by a literate author.

I just got my copy in the mail today and ditched everything else on my schedule and simply read it.

Heck, Lovely Daughter has said she’s dropping in tonight (driving Guido Yaris) and Bubba’s still in residence (he’s not moving back to school for two more weeks), so we may just have a storytime tonight.

Dad’s reading.


Get one of your own. Read it to yourself and to your children/grandchildren. You’ll love it. So will they.

Linkin’ this one in over at Angel’s place, Woman Honor Thyself.

One Reply to “An old friend rediscovered”

  1. Must go to the library… must try to read while being interrupted 12 times a minutes…. must not let Lil’ Duck rip it into a million pieces….

    I’m adding it to my “must-read-soon” list, ha ha.

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