Upgrade Notes

A couple of folks have noticed their trackbacks/comments being held for moderation, where none save tbs/comments snagged by my SPAm filters were held before. It’s a function of three things:

1.) I upgraded my WordPress installation over the weekend (and so deleted and re-installed plugins… and didn’t reinstall ’em all)
2.) Had been getting no fewer than 2,000 SPAM comments/trackbacks a day for the past week or so.
3.) Changed my approach to SPAM comments/tbs.

Now NO comment/tb is supposed to be approved unless at least ONE comment/tb from that source has been approved by me. Since I semi-restarted the SPAM filters when I upgraded the blog (and yeh, I was severely caffeine- and sleep-deprived at the time and remember doing it but not what I did. *sigh*), some of y’all who have commented/tbed here before will need manual approval, as well as all really new commenters.

Makes more trouble for me that it does for you, really, and my SPAm count has actually gone up… cos SPAM that was slipping through the filters before—and still is—is now being held in moderation… along with every legitimate comment/tb that my new WP install doesn’t recognize as having been around before.

OK, I’m still caffeine-deprived, cos re-reading the graphs above is like taking two, three four lumps of sugar (thanks, Pete Puma).


One Reply to “Upgrade Notes”

  1. AGH!! I still have to upgrade to the newest version and now I’m dreading it…. have to update a few things on the business side first…. ah, and clean my house as always, right?? And oh, I do have a little one, hee hee.

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