Et tu, Brute?

No, this entry isn’t about betrayal, per se.  I’ve just always wanted to use that phrase as a title to a blog post.  Another one I’d like to use some day is Ecce Homo.  I’ll think of some place to put that one and surprise you.

I guess the theme of this post, though, is about false expectations.  Isn’t it true that we expect the media to present the news in a manner that is consistent with our own world view?  And when CNN or NYT doesn’t conform to our line, we complain that they are biased.  Well, what do we expect?  We all are biased.  I think the ones with the most integrity will admit their biases and take a stand – thus letting the chips fall where they may. 

And it seems that Conservatives have an easier time with this than Liberals.  We know we have a narrow line to walk, but believe it to be the best one (whether or not it reflects the reigning party line) and aren’t afraid to say it.  Out loud.

So I’m not advocating that we quit confronting the liberal press – we should continue to point out the inconsistencies of their coverage.  Let’s just not get upset about it when they do.  After all, we have their track record to go by, we should know what’s coming.  Unlike poor Julius.

2 Replies to “Et tu, Brute?”

  1. Pingback: Bloggin' Outloud
  2. Yeah, if only I can keep myself from getting torqued by things that are really no surprise. I shouldn’t expect anything different – there is no such thing as a “totally unbiased” journalist. Still, some days it’s harder than others.

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