Horses’ friend/Open trackbacks

This is Tuesday’s Open Trackbacks post. Link to this post and track back. More below the post body.

Recieved in email from a friend in whose deerwoods I’ve hunted…

(CLICK on pics to enlarge; CLICK again to close the pic.)




After the horses moved on, the doe came for her wandering fawn…

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19 Replies to “Horses’ friend/Open trackbacks”

  1. Pingback: Freedom Watch
  2. Pingback: Cigar Envy
  3. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  4. Pingback: The Dumb Ox
  5. Pingback: Don Surber
  6. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  7. Pingback: Mark My Words
  8. Pingback: Random Yak
  9. this is a very warming story and i have never heard anything like it.
    i will be dure to tell all of my friends about this. i am sure that
    they will like it very much.

  10. I love these pictures, they are so cute!! The horses are beautiful.
    I cant believe how the horses just let the fawn wander around them. I think the one when the
    horse is eating and the fawns head is right beside the horses head is the coolest.
    It shows you how animals dont care about difference, they care about whats best for eachother.

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