Today marks two significant events: Independence Day (for those who stumble onto this blog and don’t understand what that means, think Cinco de Mayo except with profound, intelligent thought and clear ties to natural law and historical precedent instead of frijoles flatus), that’s one. The second is the debut of WAR!—Wide Awakes Radio.

Check out the schedule of upcoming shows here.

We launch on July 4th at 6 A.M. Pacific and you can call us at 1-888-407-1776 (even our phone number drips Patriotism 4th of July, 1776!)

Take some time during your Fourth to drop in on WAR and declare “war” on the enemies of “Truth, Justice and The American Way” 🙂

Ahh, save some time. Just CLICK here

to access the stream. Rick Moran (Right Wing Nuthouse) has been on fror the last coupla hours. Pretty good stuff. Still working some technical kinks out, so keep CLICKing the link til you get in on the stream.

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