Funding the “Evil Party”

A correspondent named “Jim” quoted on Jerry Pournelle’s MAIL page observed, today:

“… the Republican Party is the party of the societally secure and the Democratic Party is the party of the societally insecure. Other than its thin crust of anti-American liberal elitists, the hard core of the Evil Party are “dependents”–“lifetime-net-tax-users”, while the hard core of the Republican Party are “lifetime-net-tax-payers”. Taxing the latter to buy the votes of the former has been the strategy of the Democratic Party since the days of the Great Society, and it was affordable due to the huge bulge of Baby Boomers of the Productive Classes entering America’s labor force just when LBJ launched that initiative.”

And the “Evil Party” suckers the “Stupid Party” to fund votes for the “Evil Party” year in and year out… No wonder the “Stupid Party” is the classic insiders’ nickname for the GOP.

Note to President Bush: no compromise. You won; they lost. Make the “Evil party” comply with the will of the people.

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