
For those of y’all who are scifi readers (no, the real stuff), this in from a correspondent to Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor Musings

from Steven Barnes’s blog

Thursday, June 15, 2006 Bad News- Supereditor Jim Baen in hospital

I just heard that Jim Baen, one of the most influential editors in the science fiction field, had a stroke, and has been in a coma for the last twelve hours. No more information at this time, but those of us who consider ourselves friends, or have admired the vast contribution he has made to the field, well…if you believe in prayer, this would be a good time.

While i do not know Jim Baen—have not even corresponded with him— I have benefitted from his editorial and publishing work. He has been a leader in opening scifi publishing up to new voices, and I very much appreciate that. He appears to be one of the good guys.

Yeh, I’ll be praying for him. It may be selfish of me to do so, but I will be anyway.

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