Blogeeky Stuff—more on “the silly stats game”

Although stats are a concern running way toward the back of the pack, my “once-in-a-while” check of TTLB earlier this week has turned into a once-a-day thing because of the weird discrepancies displayed on its pages relating to twc. Since this is definitely not a general interest topic for readers of these pages (after all, most of y’all care deeply about google page rankings, TTLB and Technorati rankings and such… as deeply as I do, which is not much at all :-)), so if you’re at all interested…

OK, now that both of y’all who are at all interested are still with me, here’s the fun part. Short Stats (a WordPress plugin) reports about 250 “unique visitors” today so far. Kinda low even for a Saturday, in my experi3ence, especially when my two “visits” are subtracted along with the 42% of “visits” by web crawlers, leaving only about 142 unique visitors this a.m.

Sitemeter reports 44 visitors so far today. Huh?

Statcounter reports 148 (more in line with my ShortStats report, since it automatically excludes web crawlers and my visits).

The daily averages from my hosting service show

Jun 2006 5775 (hits) 1050 (visits)

When one subtracts the fairly consistent 42% of “visits” by web crawlers, the 609 daily visits average (which includes folks who view more than one page and my multiple views switching between things in the WordPress Dashboard) comes out much more in line with Statcounter and ShortStats than with Sitemeter.

I wonder why?

Not gonna lose any sleep over it. I’m still blogging primarily to silence the voices in my head.

BTW, do click on the link above. It’s to my fav clip found on Vimeo when I went on my Vimeo viewing spree the other day. Classic. Or at least it will be if I have anything to say about it.

One last thing—a bright, hopeful light in the stats fog—is that Internet Exploder readers of this blog are exactly match in number by readers using “other” browsers. I hope that trend continues in favor of extinguishing Internet Exploder use.

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