Short Roundup/Wednesday OTA

If it’s Wednesday, it must be Open Trackback Alliance Day at third world county. Link to this post and track back. More info below the roundup of posts/pages of interest.

A roadmap to sex ed 101 from downunder. *heh*

“It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.”

More Twain on Congresscritters here.

Death By A Thousand Cuts,” at Median Sib: “This is a letter written by Anthony Ippoliti, a Marine Infantryman currently serving in Fallujah, published in a local Connecticut newspaper, The Ridgefield Press…”

Read it.

America in Decline?” at The Real Ugly American. Rick argues against the case.

Answering the age-old question, “[W]hat is the best gun to carry to guard against a bear?” *heh* (I, too, would like to know the type of bullet used, but make and caliber of weapon is good info.) Lots better than curling up in a foetal ball and hoping for the best…

More good listening at Keep the Coffee Coming. Put on a tune, sit down with a cuppa joe and enjoy! And no, I’m not linking to individual songs. Too many good ones. Just scroll on down the page and enjoy Kat’s taste in music.

Lady Diane belabors the obvious. 🙂

Stop selling ice or we’ll kill you. It’s unislamic.” Believe it or don’t, from The English Guy. *sheesh* I think a few of Mohammed’s own lil monkey men need to chill.

Check out the Mexican Tourism Ad Angel links to. *heh*

Bowling for Micheael Moore, at Basil’s. How about bowling with Michael Moore? Or at least parts of him. Frozen, like turkey bowling?

At All Things Beautiful, Alexandra posts the thought-provoking, Belief vs. Unbelief.

As I said above, this is an open trackback post. Feature one of your own posts here by linking to this post and then tracking back.

Wanna host a linkfest, see

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

12 Replies to “Short Roundup/Wednesday OTA”

  1. Pingback: Tor's Rants
  2. Pingback: The Dumb Ox
  3. Pingback: Random Yak
  4. Re: “Lady Diane belabors the obvious.”

    Just read the comments through #19.

    David, did you happen to read all the pleasant experiences and positive comments mentioned by some of my fellow MAC users, especially those using both MACs & Winders?

  5. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  6. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  7. Pingback: Tel-Chai Nation

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