Intellectual Bankruptcy

booboisie \boob-wah-ZEE\, noun:
A class of people regarded as stupid or foolish.

H.L. Mencken is credited (if that’s the word 🙂 with coining the word “booboisie” (after the popularity of the time of sneeringly referring to the middle class as “bourgoisie” in homage to Marx’s slur against the class). He often used it when poking holes in psedudo intellectuals’ pretentions.

Now, the pseudo intellectuals in the Mass Media Pospeoples’ Army (see: The Day the Enlightenment Went Out are predictably using the word to refer to the idiots (to botrrow from TehRAYzah) who voted for Bush.

Watch this phenomenon. It’s akin to the projection used in political campaigns when disingenuous candidates cast their opponents as being afflicted with their own worst weaknesses.

When their tank is empty and they’re sitting by the side of the road, they sneer at the guy who stops to offer them a lift to a gas station and wax snarky about how low on gas their benefactor is…

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